Review of Maintaining Your Herb Garden Plants Healthy

on Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In this article I will outline some common problems encountered when cultivating an herb garden plus some basic principles for you to apply that will help you in overcoming those challenges. Just about all plants need Tender Love along with Care, standard maintenance, water, sunlight along with proper soil specific to your plant individual needs. There are numerous types of pests that will invade your garden. Here is a list of typical pests as well as companion plants that you can grow to repel pests away organically.

Herb: Rosemary Companion Plant: Sage, Cabbage, Carrots, Beans Pest Repelled: Bean Beetle, Cabbage Butterflies, Carrot Fly.

Yet another very important part of maintenance is weeding your herbs. If your herbs get covered with weeds they get in the way of your plants obtaining the proper ventilation and water it will require; this may cause your herbs to attract more bugs, dry out and wilt. Pruning is the process of removing or cutting parts of your plants to improve the growth of your plant. If you discovered any ruined, dead as well as discolored branches you must prune immediately.

Watering your herbs may perhaps be one of the top three questions normally asked when cultivating an herb garden. The safest way to test your water level is by touching the top surface of your soil and if it is dry to the touch you will need water at once. You really want to be cautious with watering your plants too much since you can subject your plants to mold or root rot and you do not want that. Harvesting your herbs is only the process of picking, storing and utilizing the herbs which you have cultivated. It is best to harvest your herbs in the mornings as your plants have the highest concentration of oils at this time.


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